国际申请日是在国际阶段由受理局确定的。在国际阶段国际申请日由于某种原因被更改的,以更改后的日期为准。进入国家阶段的书面声明(以下简称进入声明)中填写的国际申请日应当与国际公布文本扉页上的记载相同。出现不一致情况的,审查员应当依据国际公布文本上的记载依职权加以改正,并将改正通知申请人。 除因中国对专利合作条约及其实施细则的有关规定作出保留而需要重新确定相对于中国的申请日外,由受理局确定的国际申请日视为该申请在中国的实际申请日。
The international filing date is accorded by the receiving Office in the international phase. Where the international filing date is amended for any reason in the international phase, the amended date shall be regarded as the right one. The international filing date indicated in the Written Statement Concerning the Entry into the National Phase ( herein¬after called “the entering statement”)shall be the same as the one written on the front page of the international publication document. Where the inconsistency appears,the examiner shall correct it ee officio ac¬ cording to the date as recorded in the international publication document and notify the applicant accordingly.The international filing date, which has been accorded by the receiving office, is deemed as the actual filing date in China, except that the filling date in China needs to be redetermined as China makes reservations to the relevant provisions of the Treaty and the PCT Regulations.